The Reverend Vince Anderson, a mainstay of the Brooklyn music scene, fills his day with worship in two languages, the Mets and a full hour of watering his 92 houseplants.
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The teenage bassist of the Runaways cut her music career short in 1977. Rather than retell her story, she’s reimagined it as a board game, Rock Hard: 1977.
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Thorleifur Orn Arnarsson’s production of “Tristan und Isolde” at the Bayreuth Festival in Germany is an excellently conducted puzzle of grim symbols.
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The rapper has become a self-appointed hype man and benefactor to the U.S. women’s team in Paris. He plans to keep the poolside party going into 2028.
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The Festival Orchestra of Lincoln Center will play Marianna Martines’s Symphony in C, a milestone for a composer whose music mostly fell silent after her death.
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