Monday, September 16, 2024

Personal Finance

How to Retire by 30 While Traveling the World | Real Estate

In This Article Ashley Thompson messaged me on Facebook out of the proverbial blue. We had never met before, but she’d noticed my post on a Facebook group for Mustachians. (If the term “Mustachian” is new to you, check out...

4 Tips for College Grads Seeking Financial Freedom | Real Estate

In This Article Finally, the journey is over. The first of your many goals is complete. You and your family are very proud. Many people you started college with did not graduate with you. Some dropped out; some are just...

The Mega-Profit Potential of Apartment Syndication | Real Estate

In This Article What is your top priority in life? Forty-four percent of millennials say it’s having children. Half say getting married and 72 percent want to own a home. But the single highest priority, at 80 percent, is being...

How to Pay Off Your Car Loan Early & Never Pay for Your Car Again

In This Article When people ask me about whether or not they should pay off their car, it always leads to an interesting discussion. Why? As is super customary for me when writing articles, teaching, or speaking, I will not speak...

4 Easy Steps to Make Extra Money ($3-5K Every Month!)

In This Article Looking to build an investment portfolio in order to bring in passive income and reach financial independence? Me, too. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that financial independence and retiring early (FIRE) can be achieved...

Couple Will Retire Early on $250K/Yr Through Real Estate Investing

In This Article This case study is about real people who’re ongoing, long-term clients. They came on board with me around eight years ago. This is their story up ’til now. Around 2011, I agreed to meet Timm and Sherri...

4 Differences Between the Way Women & Men Invest in Real Estate

In This Article Before I got into real estate, I went to graduate school for marketing. My final thesis was about all the annoying ways women are marketed to. Here are some insulting examples: the color pink, the word...

Use Real Estate to Retire More Comfortably Than 401k

In This Article Let’s create a very credible scenario today. Surely by now BiggerPockets is closing in on its gazillionth member, and most of ’em are regular folk like you n’ me. Most go to work, get married, and...

4 Steps to Finally Tackle Your Debt—and Start Growing Real Wealth

In This Article Debt can be a heavy, scary beast riding around on your shoulders. Live with debt long enough, and it can start to stoop your shoulders and droop your eyes. That begins to change on the day you...

Retired at 31, Couple Will Show You How to Quit Like a Millionaire

In This Article In the past two years, I have read a lot of books—118 to be exact. Almost all of them have been on the subjects of personal finance, real estate, business, and self-help. Needless to say, I feel...
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The September Cook With Bon Appétit Box Makes Fall Meal Planning Easy

Our team is as passionate about recipes as we are about the ingredients that go into them. That’s...
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