Monday, September 16, 2024

Personal Finance

The Irrefutable Advantage Real Estate Has Over Stock for Investors

In This Article “Stocks have generally returned ~7-9% a year compared to 2-4% for real estate over the past 60 years.” —The Financial Samurai That, of course, is only one part of the story. Real estate is often seen as...

Saving Money: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

In This Article If you’re reading BiggerPockets, you probably have some interest in real estate investing, building a business, or even retiring early. These are big, exciting goals! Unfortunately, if you are anything like the average American, you may not...

What’s a Better Financial Strategy—Making More or Spending Less?

In This Article So you want to achieve financial independence, huh? You fantasize about telling your boss to take a hike, traveling the world, spending time with your family, and pursuing that passion project. You’re not alone. I dream about...

How Much Money Do I Need to Retire? | Personal Finance

In This Article Whether you want to retire in three years or 30, you still need to answer a fundamental question: How much money do I need? It’s a question with both simple and complex answers, depending on how...

What Is the FIRE Movement?

In This Article Have you been hearing the term “FIRE” thrown around a lot lately in the personal finance world? That’s not surprising. It’s an exciting movement that’s changing the way people think about work, money, and retirement. Still,...

Traditional 401(k) vs. Roth IRA: Which One Wins?

In This Article Did you know the average American has only $96,000 saved for retirement? This amount is not nearly enough! It’s never too late to start saving, but it’s better to start preparing for your retirement as early as...

Go From Zero To $8K/Month in Retirement Income

In This Article I speak with investors almost every day about the same thing: How do I replace my income or at least a part of it? What does it look like, and what do I do to get...

The Top 10 Coolest Gifts Financial Freedom Has Given Me

In This Article As I sit here in the mall composing my thoughts about writing this article, I am overcome with a sense of joy and accomplishment from achieving “financial independence.” This term that we throw around — “financial...

8 Best Credit Cards for Young Adults (& First-Time Cardholders)

In This Article For many consumers, credit cards are an integral part of their finances. From online purchases to booking a vacation, it’s handy to have at least one credit card in your wallet. A few benefits to consider:...

How to Prosper in Retirement Through Purposeful Investing

In This Article For decades, I’ve called what I do in terms of investing “purposeful planning.” It involves four pillars, which have evolved over the years and proven themselves to be very effective. In fact, more often than not,...
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The September Cook With Bon Appétit Box Makes Fall Meal Planning Easy

Our team is as passionate about recipes as we are about the ingredients that go into them. That’s...
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