Monday, October 28, 2024

How AI and Biotech Could Reshape the Global Economy

Must Read

Are you familiar with Moore’s law?

It states that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles about every two years. This leads to increased computing power and lower costs, driving rapid advancements in technology.

You can look back over 50 years and see this pattern play out…

Chart: Moore's Law is Alive and Well

But Moore’s law has an evil twin…

Eroom’s law (“Moore” spelled backward).

It says that the cost of developing new drugs roughly doubles every nine years despite all of these advancements in technology.

So the more money we spend, the fewer drugs we find!

Chart: Eroom's Law - Discovering new medicines gets more and more expensive

As it stands now, 90% of drugs fail clinical trials.

Discovery and development can take up to 16 years, and it costs as much as $2 billion to bring a drug to market.

But, folks, at long last… after DECADES of this frustrating law holding true… it looks like we’re finally turning a corner.

The hero?

Artificial intelligence.

AI can analyze large datasets to identify potential drug targets…

It can design novel drug-like molecules from scratch…

It can optimize clinical trials…

And it can do a whole lot more.

The end result? Not only faster, cheaper and more effective drugs… but an absolute windfall for smart investors who get positioned ahead of this revolution.

When all is said and done, experts predict that by 2040, generative AI could result in $1 trillion in value for healthcare.

European fund manager Hans Peter Portner expects biotech stocks to get swept into this next phase of AI euphoria after missing out on the first leg (which means the upside could be INSANE).

Mark my words…

THIS is where AI will have the biggest economic impact… and where early investors can make a killing.

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